I’m So Tired!
Wow, I’m so tired. It can’t possibly be jet lag, it’s already two weeks!
And yes, I have been too jetlagged to do anything on the social networks for the last two weeks. Usually I do all my stuff in the evenings, after the kids go to bed. But lately, I’ve just been so tired, I go to sleep.
Maybe I’m heading into a time of consumption as opposed to production. Because I don’t feel like doing much. I’ve been playing on my DS, and booking time to play board games. But I haven’t the energy to do anything creative.
Although, yesterday morning I woke up with an idea for a Twitter song. Yes, the world doesn’t need another one, but I wanted to have a go at it! And really, it’s a song about how I don’t understand Twitter. I am on it though. I’ve been on it for a while, but I don’t invest a lot of time into it.
So I went and recorded a small snippet of me singing it to remind me. Hopefully I’ll get something out.
And tonight, I’m recording a more better version of All My Skills Are Virtual. Huzzah! Jeff’s coming over for that.
My animation room has been taken over by guests too, so I haven’t had a chance to do any animation.
So, what have I been doing?
Well, I did read Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers on the plane.
I am halfway through Richard Florida’s Flight of the Creative Class.
I am grinding in Etrian Odyssey on my DS.
And I did finish conquering the world with every civilization in each of the four win conditions for Civ Revolution.
And then I had some friends over and we tried out Hab & Gut and Reiner Knizia’s Pirates.
Hopefully I can get back into the swing of creating again. I need to finish off a few songs for the FAWM Compilation CD, and I need to finish off my Geek Love Song Album (v2).
Summer may be busy.