Probelms Fixed (Hopefully)

Ok.  The problems with the site should be fixed.  If you do find any, please comment, or write in the forum.  I think I got everyone.  *sigh*

For those of you that care, it has to do with PHP and Safe Mode.  My site has always been in safe mode, but Mambo was working fine with it.  Sometime this morning, after 9am but before 11am, it all stopped working.

This is a big bummer, because that means I can no longer do things from the web console, but have to do it from FTP.  Downloading things from the web console makes the webserver Apache the owner, and even though they are CHMOD’d to 777, the scripts STILL cannot open or read them because of Safe Mode.  Anyways, things are a lot more stricter now, which makes my life harder.  *sigh*

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