
Zoe is growing up and learning so many new things.  The word NO for example.  It is often said in the saddest tone of voice like you could hardly believe we would ask you such a horrible question.  Or there's the new phrase of independence called "I do".  It tends to be said whenever anyone offers you help.  Even when there is no way possible for you to achieve the task on your own.  If assistance continues, then the afore mentioned sad "no" has to be repeated over and over.

You like to feed yourself.  I think breakfast is your favourite meal of the day, with cheerios and milk on top of the list.  It is with gusto and delight that you shovel food into your mouth.  Way to go Zoe.  Makes my heart glad.  You also tend to spill quite a bit but that's okay because it bothers you at least as much as it bothers me.  I finally have somebody else who lives in this house who is concerned about picking things up!!!!  Yeah!  You love to help mommy.  Sometimes it is really hard to get things done for all your help but it is so sweet that I couldn't decline it.  You tend to worry about things that you think are your job.  For example, you like to press the start button on the microwave for me.  If you aren't in the kitchen and I do it myself, you give me a very injured little chat about "I do", if you happen to hear the microwave go on. 

Right now you are sitting at the piano, playing and singing away.  Good to know you take after Daddy too.  Although, you do love to go outside as well.  On Saturday I took you to Riverdale Farm.  You found the animals almost too delightful to bear.  The sheep put its head beside the fence and you chatted away to her.    The geese were honking and flapping around on the nice springy day.  So you ran up and down along the fence honking too.  Too bad Daddy missed it all by sitting in the house.

You seemed to get all worried about Ekko last night.  You kept going up and hugging her.  I think you knew that something wasn't quite right and you were so concerned.  It is great to see how much you love your Ekko.

Yesterday you just said "bye" when Mommy and Ekko left you home alone with the babysitter.  Yeah!  You are finally adjusting.  Good job kid.

Daddy is coming home from work in a few minutes.  Soon you'll hear him at the door and start yelling with glee "DAAAA".  You sure know how to make us all feel loved.  What a precious cuddling darling.

Love you loads. – Mommy