Slum Pic of the Day

Very politically incorrect, but my kids are cute. So, I’m waiting for T-shirts to be washed for my FLL kids, and hey, I mentioned about how cute you look and how you look like a poor kid in the alley, so I found one and put it up for you.

Now I’ll get called by Children’s Aid for putting you in the alley or, I’ll get sued by National Geographic because people keep calling them wanting this gorgeous issue, but you know, you’re worth it.

I have a whole bunch of pics at work that I could put up too, maybe I could make November “Pic Month”, and post a picture of my beauties once a day.  Or every two days!

One Reply to “Slum Pic of the Day”

  1. Yeah! Have a “Pic Month”!!! You know, Zoe’s dress is a bit too nice and pretty and bright for an alley kid… You’d have to dress your kids more in rags and that.

    With all this website updating, there’s now way more Ekko and Zoe news almost every day! It’s great!!!

    Lots of love from Switzerland,

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