FAWM – Charlie Comes and Visits!

FAWM has a few unofficial radio shows (ok, two really. One of which started yesterday) and so he was doing a tour of the country (well, the northern part of the US) and so he came to Toronto!

I had a FAWM radio party show at my house! You can hear the radio show here: http://fawm.org/songs/3585/

We had a lot of technical difficulties, but it was fun! And we also wanted to write a song for Charlie, so we made a video and improv’d a song (with a bit of minor practice): http://fawm.org/songs/3532/

In that video you can see all of us and the instruments we used. Charlie is Lead Fairy.

And that leads to two things that I am proud/excited about. My daughters love Geek Love Songs v1.1. They love it so much they will watch it over and over again, and when I play the video, they sing to it. So I had to show the FAWM crew how cute my girls are and I plunked them in front of the computer and played my video.

Now, Ekko was busy with making a cat hat for Zoe, and Zoe was shy, but that didn’t keep them from singing. Ekko was busy cutting her cat hat, while throwing in phrases from the song. It makes me so proud.

The second thing, that I was really excited about, was the creation of Charlie’s Song. My girls were enamoured by the whole endeavour. They sat on the couch and watched in awe as all these people with instruments were in a creative spastic process. My girls loved it. And then Charlie dressed up as a fairy and that kept them entertained well into the night as they sat up all night imagining Charlie in all states of dress (pink jeans, makeup, my wife’s wedding dress).

I’m so glad they had a chance to see that though. To feel the electric atmosphere of writing and the fun that we all had doing it. Creativity doesn’t have to be stamped out of us!

Thanks for the great night guys. And Mary, these Simple Pleasures Cookies: Cinnamon Snaps you brought to the house? They’re amazing. I’ve eaten about 30 of them now.