#reverb10 2: Writing

What do you do each day that doesn’t contribute to your writing — and can you eliminate it?

Yes, I am late on these prompts. Is it me, or are there more personal challenges popping up? Why do I lack the will to refuse them? I am also back dating these prompts so that they fall in line with the date. Is that cheating? Who cares, I only get spam on this site anyway. Stupid spammers. Did you know, I got 750 spam comments on the Toronto Nano site? Stupid spammers, couldn’t they test first and see if the comment was moderated? I don’t hate lightly, and it’s usually reserved for corporations, but you, anonymous script spammer on the internets, I loathe.

Anyway, what do I do each day that doesn’t contribute to my writing? My gut response is:


Why? Because everything contributes to writing. Whether I’m disciplining my children, to snacking on corn twists, it contributes. Why? Because every experience, from the trivial to the fantastic, I can use in any creative endeavour. Was I up late last night playing “The Settlers” on my iPad? Yes. Was I also playing Secret of Monkey Island with my girls? Of course. Have I revived my interest in bologna sandwiches? You bet your soggy, wet bottom I did.

Does this mean I am willing to Tweet every little thought and habit in a desperate trawl for compliments and sympathy?

No. You don’t care, I don’t care, we’ll leave it at that. But living life affects me. And it will affect how I write.

So NO!

I will not cut out from my life things you may deem superfluous.

Except for maybe eating after 8pm. My gut is getting huge…