#reverb10 5: Let Go

What (or whom) did you let go of this year? Why?

I’m trying. I really am. I don’t want to turn every post into a geek-fest by referencing not-so-obscure fanboy films, but look at that prompt. Seriously, what do you think when you see that prompt? I think Star Wars. Who doesn’t?

Mom did say if I watched the movie too many times it would be embedded in my cerebellum...

Let go.

This is a hard one, I have to admit. I have many vices, too many to list, and I haven’t let go of them yet. I did start running, maybe I could put down sloth. But it’s been 3 weeks since I’ve run, so forget that.

I’ve gained a lot of things. Like weight. White hair. Sandwiches. But what have I let go.

Sleep? Free time? I don’t want to let go of that, it just happens.

OH! I know!

Two games came out this year. Two games I have been waiting for my entire geek gaming life. Civilization V and Starcraft 2.

Ahhh... these franchises kept me celibate so long... Good times.

Just look at them. Fills me with tingly excitement just photoshopping the boxes. Look, I like these games. One of my favourite songs is Baba Yetu, the Civ IV theme song. I’m trying to learn the Terran Theme song on the piano (with very limited results).

OH! This reminds me of a story! I was playing the awesome board game 7 Wonders, and I chose the Colossus of Rhodes for my wonder. Immediately I stated, “gives me plus one to trade on sea squares!”

Nothing. I didn’t even get blank stares. *sigh*

Anyway, I haven’t bought the games. Well, that’s not exactly true. I bought the games as birthday presents for other people, but haven’t bought them for myself nor have I played them.

I let go of addicting games.

Well, ok, that’s not true either, ….

OH! SPEAKING OF GAMES. I tweeted this because I was squealing like a Bieber Fangirl when I saw the vid:


Ok, I can’t finish this blog post. It just brings up too many distractions.

Maybe I’ll let this prompt go…