Random Seestair Loserness

So I’m unstuffing huge files at work, which are taking forever, and the only thing that doesn’t seem to take 30 seconds to process is web stuff. So I search for elumir on the net again. Here are some results, but they’re mostly seestair losernessnish…

From: “L.M. Elumir” <u9118384@muss.cis.mcmaster.ca>
Subject: clifford algebras

Has there ever been any programs developed with Maple that multiply
elements in a Clifford algebra?

Does anyone care?

Lizette Elumir-Tanner South Community Leader p) 210-9231
f) 210

Ooo! South Community Leader. Leads communities to go south?

Week 2; Dr L. Elumir

I’d like to see algorithms for basic problems, i.e.the basic steps to manage basic problems. I know that you can find that in any textbook but it’s kind of a pain to flip through a text book when you have 10 people waiting in your waiting room. I just need something quick, concise and clear. Also, it’s good to have a list of all the steps to go through for basic family medicine problems. Therefore, if I’m still having problems and I refer the patient to a specialist, I feel confident that the referral is appropriate and that I’ve done everything in my scope of practice.

Poor Seestair. Can’t even handle basic problems. If she can’t even do basic problems, I don’t know why any patient would trust her with complicated problems!

Patient: “Excuse me nurse…”
Leezet: “Doctor, I’m a doctor.”
Patient: “Whatever, my head hurts.”
Leezet: “Wait! Your head hurts? Uh, I need to look up some steps to see what to do.”
Patient: “Can’t you just prescribe something?”
Leezet: “DON’T INTERRUPT THE PROCESS! This is hard enough as it is!”

8 Replies to “Random Seestair Loserness”

  1. So mean to poor Lizamay. Poor poor kid sister. I am sure she LOVES you posting the phone, mail and fax information as well. You never know someone might have a Lizamay thing and start harrassing her, I mean how many of you friends have an Asian girl fetish, and no I am not refering to Ben. Or some freak could stumble into this site and now have all her business info. Shesh Errol, some common sense here.
    p.s. She is trying to change the system, yeah for Lizette!

  2. I don’t think she even knows how to rea
    [LIST][*]It was originally on the web – if an asian girl fetish guy is looking for it, he’d find it
    [*]It’s her work number[/LIST]
    I would list her home number, but I don’t know what it is.

  3. Its Ben
    Well this is Ben typing…I wonder who that is that wrote that comment it is puzzling me…its probly Matt silver. Actually I have no clue.

  4. Here’s a hint
    There’s only one person you probably know that has known me and my seestair long enough to call her “Liza May”

  5. Another clue, who else would be upset about posting personal information? Big clue there 🙂

  6. Mr. Kotter how about an other clue, this person does not sign in, but uses the name guest. Oooh, oooh, Mr. Kotter I think I know who. Anyone know who Mr. Kotter and the speaker are? 😕

  7. response from the one and only
    I have several comments about the above. First, that work phone number and address is wrong anyway so it doesn’t matter if you post it. Second, those comments about “I’d like to see algorithms for basic problems…..”, I sent that into a medical website and I won a free digital camera! Third, my real name is spelled “Liza Mae.” I can’t figure out who the “guest” is but I’m guessing Blair Turner because he’s the only one who has known me long enough to know my real name.

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