Happiness Galore

Hey beauty!  Right now you are sticking "mismas" stickers all over my back.  They are making you very happy and my dull blue shirt very beautiful.  You are getting quite excited about "mismas".  But I don't think that you really have it all figured out yet.  The Christmas lights on other people's houses make you want to find our lights and decorate.  But you insist that our lights be purple.  Surprise, surprise.  And when somebody talks about Christmas you tell them that you have Christmas at your house.  The cutest though is when you go around the house with a scarf wrapped around your head saying that you are Mary.  The other night you played Mary for a long time and explained to Daddy that Zoe was baby Jesus.

Daddy was sick today and stayed home.  That was kind of fun for us.  You love your dad.  Last night he went to bed so early and you insisted that you had to sleep with him because you missed him.  So you went to bed early too.  I moved you into your own bed a few hours later and you never woke up till this morning.    Of course you were pretty tired because we had a couple of crazy days.  Sara and Deitmar left us their city passes from their trip here.  (Thanks guys!)  We had so much fun.  On Monday we went to the Ontario Science Center with Auntie Becky.  You loved it.  It will be a great place to go again with your daddy.  Yesterday we went to the farm for your junior farmer course, and then to the zoo in the afternoon.  It was the best zoo day as far as animal action. It was cool and sunny.  The tigers were running around and roaring.  That was so cool.  The elephants were fighting and playing.  It was neat.  Of course your favourite animal was the hippo.  And then you reminded us that your most favourite animal is a pig.  Gwen came with us and that helped make the zoo a lot of fun.  She even brought you a new Wiggles DVD.  Poor Sara missed it.  Sara likes your Wiggles too.

You have a good memory.  When Sara and Dietmar were here you helped Dietmar make noodles one  night.  They were so good.  Daddy was explaining to someone about the noodles and you said "it takes four eggs.  Sara said."  And you were right! 

Oh the other night too, you had been at Auntie Becky's in the morning and forgot to bring Cedarvale home.  In case you don't remember who Cedarvale is, he is the little tiny puppy Auntie Garfus and Uncle Bill bought you.  Normally that is a catastrophe and you need him.  Going to Auntie Becky's is also a thrilling thing for you.  But the other night when I went to go pick up Cedarvale, you made me go by myself.  You decided you needed to stay home with Daddy.  You had been missing him.  You are your daddy's girl these days.  It's great to see how much you love Daddy.

You are so grown up at times and make us laugh.  Thea (our friend from Sanctuary) was coming over the other day.  Jesse asked if you remembered Thea.  You assured him that yes you did because she's from your work.

I know there was more funny things you did but I can't remember off hand.  I'll have to think about it.  Love you forever.  Like you for always.  As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be. – Mommy