So big, so beautiful and so many giggles

Your laugh fills the house so many times little girl.  Today Ekko and Mommy were dancing to a song from Ekko's music class.  Ekko was holding your hand while she danced and you giggled with glee the whole time.  It was such fun.

Time is going by so quickly.  I want to hold onto every minute with you as a baby.  What a precious gift you are!  Now you are trying to sit up already.  It is funny because you aren't trying in a way I have noticed babies doing before.  It is like you are attempting a sit-up and trying to rock yourself into a sitting position.  So cute.   You also really like playing on your tummy now. 

One of the not so fun parts of you growing, is that you seem to be becoming a mommy girl.  If I leave the room you are now starting to cry.  Even when Daddy is already holding you.  Hmm.  Dunno what we are going to do about that!

Yesterday we went to Sanctuary.  You sat on my friend Marty's lap for a bit.  It was sweet.  You made him happy as you chattered and smiled.  Of course when Mommy left the room you wailed but that was when Thea  had you so it wasn't too bad.  On Sunday we went to a memorial service (Thea, Mommy and you).   You were sound asleep in your car seat until the soloist hit a really high note.  I don't think that classical type music is your thing.  You wailed.  Then every time they started to sing you would cry.  We finally left.  It was quite funny really.

Now you are asleep in my arms.  It makes typing hard but you are so worth it.  I love you little rosie cheeked doll.  Thank you for helping make our house so happy. – Mommy.