Ekko’s words of wisdom and wit

Hey beauty.  You are such a talker and so funny at times.  I'm trying to remember some of them to write down.  The other night we were playing on the bed.  You and Daddy play "body slam" together but this night Daddy was out.  You decided that we should play "body slam".  I think you meant to make it into a surprise attack so you said "Mom, can you sit minding yourself?"  I think earlier you had heard someone say they were sitting minding their own business  when something happened. 

You also like to tell stories.  "Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess with long hair named Ekko.  She liked to eat grapefruit."  You holler "tell it again Mom!"  Anyway, you like being called a princess and decided that we could all be princesses.  Princess Zoe, Princess Ekko, Princess Keren and Princess Errol.  I tried to explain that boys are usually princes not princesses.  You didn't like that.  Didn't think it was fair for Daddy to have a different name.  So this morning once again you started telling stories and Daddy was once again refered to as "Princess Errol".

Mommy has been going to weight watchers to loose this "baby" fat.  The weigh in site is at the Superstore where we get our groceries.  Every time we'd go to the store you would say "so Mom, is your fatness gone yet?"  Then when we'd get inside to the meeting you would stroll in and up to the scales announcing to the whole room, "I'm just so fat.  I really need to see what I weigh this week."  I think the whole room full of people think I'm a horrible mother now!

We had a few deaths of fish in our tank and I wanted to go get more.  You assured me that there was no use.  "Mom, I don't know why you want more fish.  They will just die anyway."  Great.  My three year old is a pessimist.

Jesse is moving away.  We are all sad about this.  I think you are one of the most sad.  When you heard the news you started to cry "Jesse can't leave us.  I love him!"

I need to go.  When I think of more I will write them down. – Love you my beauty.