
So big you are.  Right now you are sitting on the dining room table doing one of Ekko's old wooden puzzles.  Somehow you are figuring out things a bit ahead of your age.  I think it is because you watch Ekko so closely and imitate her.  (including sitting on the dining room table).  You are walking super well now.  It is so amazing to watch you walk.  You are so confident and steady.  One of the down sides to this part of life is that you have started screaming.  I think you get really frustrated at times with us for not understanding everything you are trying to say so you scream at us.  Hmm.  We'll have to work on this!

Your hair is starting to get thicker and longer.  It keeps getting in your eyes but you and Daddy seem averse to any sort of hair barret.  Oh well.  You look cute with your tousled messy hair.

You went down the sidewalk yesterday with your push car following Ekko on the tricycle.  Such amazing big girls.  You made it about four houses down the street before I made you turn around.  For some reason, you never seem to run out of energy.  May be it is because you seem to always be hungry these days.  You can eat through a pack of tofu in no time flat!

May be the next thing you can learn is how to sleep through the night!

I love you loads and loads and loads you beautiful screamer. – Mommy