School Fun!

Allo Ekko!

Wow, it's been a long time since I've written.  I'm sorry my beauty.

I should really keep up with all the fun stuff that you do!  All the fun stuff that we as a family do!

Just this past friday, I went to your school!  As part of some "People who service the community" program, (although I thought it was what your parents do), I came in and talked about my work!  It was quite fun!

I showed you guys what I made at work, then I showed what other kids made at work, and then I let you guys loose on playing with Duplos!  The kids seemed to have a blast, and were so very good.  It was great to see their faces when they figured out how to attach the gears together, and this without any instruction from me!  You wore your CTW T-shirt too, so you and I sorta matched.

I sure hope you were proud of Daddy.  🙂

Every night, we read from the same book.  A Winnie the Pooh book which has a lot of stories in it.  The problem is, each story is about 20 or 30 pages long, and so it takes a while to get through them.  And I must say, we've been through the book many times.

I try to get you to read other books, like Madeline (I like that book because as I've said before, I get to practice my bad French accent), but it's a no go.

Speaking of books, when we went down to LA, I wrote a story on the plane.  I made a little children's book about Ekko and Daddy.  Zoe and Mommy are in it too, but they are minor characters.  :)  It's fun to read that book, because we get everyone to act out all the parts.  The only thing that Zoe does, however, is cry, and it's hard to make her cry on demand.  Well, ok, it's not that hard to make her cry, but I don't think we should make her cry just for fun.

Mind you, I am a cruel daddy.  I keep on telling you that you want mushrooms and onions for christmas.  You hate mushrooms and onions.  So everytime we talk about your christmas presents, I tell you that it's going to be a huge mushroom, and you yell out "YUCK!" and you get that angry look on your face, where you pout out your lip.  And then mommy has to tell you to not be so grumpy and that I'm only teasing you.  Poor mommy, has to put up with both of us.

Speaking of food, we went to the Old York last week, with Erin from my work.  I thought it would be fun to try the Calamari, and I mentioned this outloud.  You said, "YUCK!  I don't LIKE Calamari!".  I said, "Oh Ekko, don't freak out!  You like it.  It's squid!"

To which you replied, "Oh, well, I like squid."

Such a funny girl!

Such a grownup little girl.  It's fun to watch you and hear you talk.  I want to watch you in Kindergarten.  Not so much that I want to check out if the teachers are doing a good job, but I want to see what you are like.  I want to watch your personality amongst your peers.  I know that you are quite independent and I just want to watch you be a "big girl".

You're such a tiny thing though.  Your favourite game is "Bluebird", I think it's like "Duck Duck Goose", and you want to be the bluebird so much!  You love to play games.  And you like to play cut and paste, and house!  I think Miss Lewis, your teacher, had to restrict you from playing house, because you play it so much.

I have to go and play with you girls, so more later, hopefully.  🙂