Big News

Hey beauty.  Lots is happening.  We are so busy!  On Saturday the three of us went to check out some houses.  The first one we looked at, all of us liked.  You tried bumping down the stairs on your bum and approved of the house.  The steps are carpeted like Alana’s house so it was a fun slide.  Anyway, we liked the house so much that we went back on Sunday with Cathy (our real estate agent).  She agreed it was a great house.  Then on Monday we put an offer on it, and within two hours they had accepted and we signed the deal.  AHAHHA.  We have a new house.  Now we have two months to sell our house and move.  WOW.  Crazy eh?  The funny part for you is all these people asking about your new bedroom.  You very seriously tell them all that you already have a bedroom.  You were such a good girl when we went to the bank this morning to get the deposit.  You informed the lady at the bank that you had bought a new house.  She loved you.

One other cute thing I should write about was on Monday at staff meeting when we were all praying, you said you wanted to pray too.  You very seriously said “thank you Lord Jesus.  Bless Daddy.  Bless Ekko.  Bless Ben Bowser.  Amen.”  You really like Ben.  That’s okay.  He’s a nice guy.

It’s getting late and we have lentils cooking for spaghetti sauce.  It is becoming one of your favourite meals.  Daddy really likes it too.

Love you lots my little dolly – Mommy

5 Replies to “Big News”

  1. Wow! That’s exciting news! Where’s the new house? And will Becky and Aldo move in with you guys? How many bedrooms? What does it look like? — Post some pictures!

    I hope it all goes well with moving and the pregnancy! I’m thinking of you guys. And I miss you!


    Wowsers.. that’s great. You’re pretty much going through what my family went through. Trying to sell the house…. well.. may you get a great buyer!! And wow.. Ben IS liked isn’t he?

  3. It’s Allan
    Whoa that’s awesome that you got the where is it? And where is Jesse gonna live, is he gonna be following you guys…haha that would be funny :grin

  4. Fun Day
    Dear Ekko,

    Today you came and spent the afternoon at our house so Mommy and Daddy could get the house ready to sell. You were very excited to “go on an expedition” like Pooh Bear. We had lots of fun painting pictures and playing games. You took our temperatures and checked us over to make sure we were healthy saying, “I’m a doctor”. You are one cute girl my Ekko. Except when I tell you that you say, “No, I’m Beauty”. You are a beauty indeed Sweetpea. Auntie loves you!

  5. Yay house
    Wow reading this made my week…she probly knew that we were going to Belize and needed lots of prayer….well with faith like a child I guess!

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