Garden girl

Where to start.  Hmm.  You are still sick and coughing like mad at night but I think things are getting a bit better.  You slept in this morning so that should help.  We were playing outside for a while and had a bucket of fun.  First you had to take your Noah’s Ark out on the porch and introduce all your animals to the outside world.  Then Peppy came for a walk with his owner down the sidewalk and the two of you were thrilled to meet up.  He was kissing you and you were kissing him.  After that, you decided that you wanted to be a dog so you carried a stick around in your mouth for a while.  Then you remembered that we had some dog biscuits in the house.  Mommy got a little worried until I realized that you wanted to get one to feed Buddy.  Boy, these dogs around here love you!

We put our hammock together because it was such a beautiful day and you love it.  We lay on it together and watched the birds in the tree.  You told Mommy all sorts of stories.  Then you decided it was time to pick flowers.  In a very stern voice you told Mommy “Stay right there” and you ran around the backyard picking all sorts of dandelions and johnny-jump-ups.  You filled my lap with flowers and giggled with the glee of it.  It was great seeing you so happy.  About that time it looked like it might rain so we headed in doors.

I went in the kitchen to do something and you were playing nicely in your kitchen.  Then I realized it had gotten very quiet.  I found you in the living room sitting up beside the TV and quietly picking all the pussy willows off the branches.  You told me you were helping me get all the black things off.  Ahh.  I thought then may be you should come and help me in the kitchen so you did for a couple of minutes until your watering can caught your eye.  Now all the big plants on the floor are saturated but you are happy!

I love you silly girl.  I’m glad you are such a happy love. Oh and you are so into wearing only bare feet.  Auntie Garfus would be so proud of the colour of the bottom of your feet!  It looks like when we were little girls.

– Mommy