My visit

Hi Ekko!

I came to visit you in July and you did so many cute things so I thought I’d record them all down.

One day, we were playing with Playdo.  There are these little cut out plastic things that let you make figures and letters.  There was an “S” and an “H”.  I’m assuming these letters are for “school” and “hospital” because there were no other letters except those two.  So I made an “S” in the playdo and said to you, ” ‘S’ is for school.”  And you said, “NO, it’s for STEVE” and then you said, “And H is for Hiroko!”  (actually, it sounds like “ROKO!”)  So, I thought this was hilarious and I said to you, “I’m going to go and tell mommy a story” so we went upstairs and I told Keren about what you said.  Then some time goes by and Errol came home.  We were playing again and I interrupted again and said, “Oh, I have to go and tell daddy a story” and then you piped up “S is for Steve!!”  I laughed and laughed.

You were playing with my cell phone and gabbing on the phone.  And then I heard you say, “I want to buy some tofu.”  I’m not sure who you were talking to but it was funny!

We were playing and you made me laugh so I said, “Ekko, you’re so funny!” and you said, “And I’m SO PRETTY!!”

One of the things Filipinos do when they want to show affection is smell people.  I know it sounds weird.  But anyway, I was smelling your head, because it smelled like shampoo, and so you copied me and smelled me back.  And then you said, “Auntie needs a shower.”

I was reading you a story about the “Good little shepherd” who loses a sheep and he has to look for it.  Then he finds his sheep and everyone is happy.  Then at the end of the story, there’s a picture of a lot of children playing.  And the caption says, “God says, ‘I will watch over My sheep…’ ” so I read this to you and you looked at the picture a little bit confused and said, “Where’s the sheep???”

OK, this might be a tad offensive.  I was taking a shower and of course, you have to join me in the bathroom because you have no sense of personal space. 🙂  And I was changing and you said, “Are you putting a bra on your boobies?”  Where did she learn that, Errol??

Also, you’re so smart.  You have 10-word sentences!  At three years old, on average, kids have 3 word sentences.  You are two and a half and you’re talking in 10 word sentences spontaneously!  I don’t remember the 10 word sentence exactly.  But I do remember a 9-word sentence.  We were at Errol’s work, and I was waiting in the van and I had taken my shoes off.  So you said, “You can’t have your bare feet in daddy’s office.”  Or something like that… All I know that it was nine words.  All weekend long, I was counting the words in your sentences!!

One day, we were in the car and I asked you, “What do you want to be when you grow up?  Do you want to be like daddy and work with computers?”  You said, “No…” Then I said, “Do you want to be a nurse like mommy and take care of people.”  Then you said, “Yeah!” Then I said, “Oh you want to be a nurse!” And you said, “No, I want to be a doctor!”  I don’t even have a comment for this one…

Ok, that’s all.  I love you!!!

Auntie Lizette  (aka Auntie “Zet” and Auntie “YEEZET”)

One Reply to “My visit”

  1. I spent a week with Errol in Hamilton many years back and Errol would say breasts quite a bit because it embarrassed one of his friends. No, it wasn’t me. So I would not be surprised if Errol taught Ekko a word just to embarrass this poor guy.

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