
Oh the bliss and the rapture.  Ekko you have your very own violin.  It is a 1/16th so it is tiny and fits you perfectly.  I think it is beautiful.  You think it is the closest thing to magic I think.  Your face lights up every time you touch it or even talk about it.  This Saturday you and Daddy are going to go to your first violin lesson.  I hope you will have fun.  What a beauty my little music girl.

Right now you are playing with Daddy's lego mini figures.  You and Daddy sure like lego.  He likes to sort lego, and you like to help him.  In fact it is a great evening fun time for both of you!  You made fishing rods and Daddy hooked little magnets on them.  Then Daddy made you lego fish with magnets on them.  The hours of fun fishing have been numerous.  Yesterday you were asking me where Lolo goes fishing and if you could go with him sometime.  I guess we'll have to ask him!

It finally warmed up a bit so we've been playing outside.  Yesterday we walked over to Coxwell and O'Conner.  On the way over, you climbed every snowbank and slide back down.  Often several times!  It was so much fun.  May be tonight we should go sliding on the big pile of snow at the park.  One of the best parts of playing outside is having a tea party together after to warm up.  We've been using my little tea pot and matching  cups.  Sure gets you to drink a lot of milk!

Daddy bought some new games.  You really like one  of them a lot.  Last night Thomas and Cheryl came over with their dog (that's always a hit) and we played the game.  When Daddy was explaining the rules, you added that when somebody wins a hand you have to yell "Yipee".  Sometimes I think you are so much like Daddy.  It's so cute.

Love you loads beauty! – Mommy

3 Replies to “Yipee”

  1. That sounds like such fun and glory, Ekko! Your very own violin! I hope that next time I visit you’ll play something for me!

    Take care, cutie!
    Lots of love,

  2. Ben
    Wow, the typical asian girl, either violin or piano. Well if you make her practice 4 hours a day she wont have any time for boys atleast.

  3. Violin girl
    You looked so blissful and adorable holding your violin and showing us how you play it, my Ekko. I love you my girlie!

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